Thursday, December 29, 2011


The last few days have been a whirlwind of friends.

I got to see Carolyn, Amy and Jodie.  Carolyn got to meet K, and we got to see Carolyn's new ring : )

I love my college friends!
Yesterday I drove down to see more friends!  Amy and her sweet Eva came over for a little visit.  Sadly, Eva's a little freaked out by K, but that will pass : )

And last night I had dinner with some of my favorite people in the world- my St. Peter's family.  It was so fun to catch up, and we had the most delicious food!  Father Pete made bruschetta, salad, more bread, the best carbonara, and we had ice cream with chocolate liquor.  YUM.  After dinner we sat around and talked, laughed, and looked at super old church records.  It was great!

Before heading back today, I ran over the mall and exchanged a book I got two of for some photography books.  I also ran into baby gap.  I've been looking at this one dress  for the last 3 months that I wanted K to wear to my brother's wedding, but it was WAY too expensive for a dress for a baby.  Well, today they had one left, in the size I think K will be in May, and it was 23.00  (wayyyyy discounted)  Hurray!  I scooped it right up.

I love this dress.  It will be either for the wedding ceremony/ reception or the night before at the rehearsal dinner.  Either way!

It's been a good few days.

Bella's even tired out from all the hustle and bustle.
That, or she's still sick from the 6 cannolis she ate at Christmas.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Feast of 7 Fishes- Swedish Style

Being mostly Swedish, we grew up hearing more about lefse and lutefisk than the feast of the 7 fishes.  My sister and I had heard of it in the past, but decided to honor an Italian tradition this year.  The feast of the 7 fishes is a many course meal that has- shocking- 7 types of fish as ingredients to dishes.  We did 7 types of seafood, though we didn't make every dish an Italian one!  So, here's what we made!

Crab Cakes

Bruschetta with anchovies

Salmon Roll

Paella with Crawfish tail meat

Cod with tomato cream sauce
Carbonara with Lobster meat and Shrimp

And non-fishy cannoli with orange zest and chocolate chips!

Even though the day isn't over, here are a few more pictures from Christmas.  It's been great!!

Friday, December 23, 2011


On this day, dec. 23rd, something life changing happened.

I tore my acl.
Just kidding!  Well, it's true, but the event I'm really talking about is Brent's birthday!!  He is 31 today!  Last year when he turned the big 3-0 I didn't do anything huge becuase I was hugely pregnant and sick.  So, last night, we had a party!  I never take as many pictures as I want, but here are a few from a very fun night!  Thanks to everyone who came, and Happy Birthday Brent!

 These are from this morning.  As I was cleaning up around the kitchen, K played with her bear and read some books.  She's so independent sometimes!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I haven't blogged in awhile!  K managed to grow a ton more and now has 7 teeth!  Yikes.

Last weekend we went to Hibbing to celebrate Christmas with Brent's family.  It was a whirlwind of seeing relatives!  I forgot to bring my camera which is bizarre since it's practically attached to my body.

My father in law gave me his old cannon film camera.  I freaked out when I saw he had a 50 1.8mm lens with it.  I LOVE that lens! 

We were very spoiled this year with gifts, the most surprising was a new gas grill!!  We are so excited to use it!!

I see my mom about once a week even though we don't live super close, and yesterday she came up and we did some last minute Christmas shopping!  I had a couple of 40% off coupons at Sterling, so we headed over there.  I was so excited when I saw they had Trunkis!!! 

I went to Africa several summers ago and one of the families that also went had a young daughter that came on the trip.  She had one of these and ever since I've wanted to get one!  I was super excited they had a pink one, so I snatched it right up!

What's a trunki you ask?

A little plastic suitcase made by the company Melissa and Doug that kids can pull, OR they can sit on it and you can pull them!!  This will be especially awesome for our trips out to California to see Aaron and Ilana  : )

Exciting things are coming up! Maybe I'll remember to take pictures and blog... especially some delicious recipes that will be served at Brent's birthday party!  Buffalo Duck?  Yes.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


This week I've taken photos for families I've taken photos for before.  Even though I see them all often, I guess I don't realize how much change happens in such a short time.

We went from this:
To this:

And now, this:

And then there's Luke!   We started out here:

 And then this:

And now,

And last but not least:

And now:
Don't see much of a difference?  You will.  Carly's pregnant.... with a girl.... who I'm going to take a million pictures of.

And don't get me started on my own baby, she's growing up way too fast.   But I will continue to take two million pictures a day a love every moment with her.

Sidenote... I'm amazed at how much my photography has changed too!  Yikes!