Thursday, July 28, 2011

Change and a Recipe

Sometime change is wonderful.  Sometimes it's not.  Sometimes it has to happen, but that doesn't make it easier.
Yesterday I saw my grandpa and he got to see his Great Granddaughter!  It's hard seeing people get older, but it was so fun seeing him hold my baby!

This morning I had coffee with my friend Erin.  She's taking on an adventure and moving to Iowa!  Even though we don't see each other often, it was a little bittersweet this morning, knowing I might not see her for awhile.  One time she borrowed my sweatshirt. 

Good luck with everything Erin, and keep me updated : )

And this weekend Brent's brother Scott is getting married!  It will be a great weekend!

So, knowing we'd be out of town for a few days, I had to use up some tomatoes because they wouldn't be good by the time we got back.  I cooked some noodles and tossed them with some olive oil, 1/2 cup pesto, chopped tomatoes, and fresh mozerella!  It was so good!

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