Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Brent's Favorite Sandwich

When Brent and I got married, it was like he had never eaten up until that point.  Bananas, cereal and milk, and peanut butter sandwiches were pretty much all he ate.  Oh, and apples.   Yes, he was quite in shape, but he looked hungry.  So, I cooked for him.  No amazing meals, just casseroles, pasta dishes, the occasional oatmeal cookie, just normal stuff.  But man could he (and still can) EAT!  He used to put away half a 9 x 13 sized hot dish in one sitting.  I know Brent likes a lot of things I make, but one sandwich in particular is his favorite!  And it's really pretty easy, and actually has many health benefits.  Here is it!  (a warning: the photos are horrible.  It was getting dark, K is sick, and I just kind of rushed in taking them.   I didn't use a flash, but it almost came to that!)

Brent's Favorite Sandwich:  Salmon, Guacamole, mixed greens on french bread panini

Mash two avocados and mix with guac seasoning packet. 
Pat salmon dry, and sprinkle lightly with seasoning salt.  I use pam to coat my skillet, but you could use a little olive oil too.  Cook til done, turning once.

Slice up some bread.  You could pretty much use any kind.  We had this leftover from the weekend when I forgot to serve it at a meal!

Assemble sandwich spreading guac on both sides of bread, a piece of salmon, and the mixed greens.  You could add lots of other things:tomatoes, sauteed peppers, CHEESE, but I didn't.

Smash the two sides together, and put into panini press for 3-4 minutes, just until everything is all heated through!

Trust me, it tastes WAY better than these pictures look!

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