Monday, November 12, 2012

A great love

So, I haven't blogged in a super long time.  Like, I had to reset my password because I had forgotten it. 

But, I went to a wedding on Saturday, and it was so incredible I wanted to spread the joy.

Jim, Kristin, and Emma live across the street from my parents.  Jim and Kristin got married on Saturday, and it was one of the best weddings I have ever been to.  My sister and I actually photographed it, and my mom was Kristin's personal attendant.  It was the first wedding that I photographed that I also had to bring the bride's wedding dress to the church! : )

It's going to be hard to put into words, but these two have a love that is so real.  The way Jim looked at Kristin literally took my breath away.  I think most grooms are excited and such when they see their bride, but I will never forget the look on Jim's face.  He adores her. 

Emma is Kristin's daughter from a previous relationship, but Jim is her dad, 100%.  At the wedding, after the vows, but before the kiss, the Pastor explained that just as Jim had a ring for Kristin, he had a gift for Emma as well.  He knelt down and gave her a bracelet with a charm that said Daughter and the date.  Jim didn't have a microphone near him, so the whole church couldn't hear what he was saying, but I was close enough to hear almost every word and it blew me away.  He told her how he loved her, how he always would, and how he would protect her and take care of her for the rest of her life.  I can't even type it or talk about it without getting tears in my eyes.
Such a special day.  So much love.

I wish I could put the feelings of the day into words, but I didn't even come close.  Moral of the story- if I can love my family half as fiercely as  Jim loves Kristin and Emma, I'll be doing well  : )

1 comment:

  1. I am in tears over the gift he gave that little girl. I saw the picture, but didn't know the story. That man has done more for that little girls heart than he will ever know.

    What joy...thanks for passing it on to us, friend!
