Wednesday, April 8, 2015

still a baby

My boy is hardly little; he's been pretty huge since he was born.  He sometimes seems older than he is, but sweet moments like this make me remember he is still so little.  Fell asleep while waiting for his older sister to get ready and for me to pack a bag.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


I don't know if it's the weather, or if it's just one of those days where people disappoint you and everything is covered in dried snot, but I was just feeling a little frustrated.  So after putting Shouty down for a nap and turning the Bernstein Bears on for Kira, I sat down to do a little work.  I returned a few emails, spent too many minutes on facebook, and then started to work on picking what photos I want to use when updating my website.  The more and more I looked through these photos, my mood lifted (that and cup of coffee #3)  So, here are a few of my favorites.  They might be a favorite because I love the light, or I love the people, or I remember something awesome from the shoot.  And you might see another "favorites" post in the next couple weeks as these are only the photos I have on this particular hard drive : )