Wednesday, April 8, 2015

still a baby

My boy is hardly little; he's been pretty huge since he was born.  He sometimes seems older than he is, but sweet moments like this make me remember he is still so little.  Fell asleep while waiting for his older sister to get ready and for me to pack a bag.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


I don't know if it's the weather, or if it's just one of those days where people disappoint you and everything is covered in dried snot, but I was just feeling a little frustrated.  So after putting Shouty down for a nap and turning the Bernstein Bears on for Kira, I sat down to do a little work.  I returned a few emails, spent too many minutes on facebook, and then started to work on picking what photos I want to use when updating my website.  The more and more I looked through these photos, my mood lifted (that and cup of coffee #3)  So, here are a few of my favorites.  They might be a favorite because I love the light, or I love the people, or I remember something awesome from the shoot.  And you might see another "favorites" post in the next couple weeks as these are only the photos I have on this particular hard drive : )






Wednesday, March 4, 2015

starting a photography business (the longest blog I'll ever write)

So I've gotten many emails, facebook messages, and have had several in person meetings lately all about photography and the business side of it.  How I got started, taxes, post processing, pricing, advertising, ect.
Here's a rundown of how it all started, super fast.

I tried to figure out how to shoot in manual by reading this:
and this
and this
and then this.

See  a pattern?  I was ALL about the Pioneer Woman (still am) and side note: I went to one of her book singings when Kira was a baby and she was so kind!

Through her blog, I found Donna Boucher, and I straight up LOVED HER AND HER PHOTOS.

So I've gone to see her a couple of time in person and she taught me how to really USE my camera and find good light.  It's all about the light.

Fast forward a little bit, and Jasmine Star became a huge influence on how I shot weddings and how I interacted with the people I was photographing.

She has awesome videos on youtube and creative live, and her blog is AMAZING.  My sister and I went to one of her workshops last summer in Chicago.  Pretty awesome.

Okay, so just being real here that this is how I started, and now I'm going to throw a few of my opinions out there.  You're free to disagree with my thoughts, but here they are.  Some I have taken from mentors (see above), some from my own situations, and I don't mean to be negative!  Just putting it out there...

1.  Shoot on manual and be educated on how to use your camera and what makes a correct photo.  Get rid of that pop up flash and move your dial off of A (or Av for you Cannon users).   Seriously, if you're charging people money for the photos you're taking, you owe it to them to give them the best your camera can.  In the same way, learn about rule of thirds, composition, ect. 

2.  Find a mentor.  When you put photos on facebook, you will most likely never hear anything negative.  No one is going to make a comment like "cute kid, but this photo is rough" Nope, people will like and write positive comments because they are showing support to the person (or their child) in the photo.  Not many clients will tell you they didn't like the photos you took because those are their kids and the love they have for their kid/family/husband/pet/location will usually overshadow the fact that the photo itself may not be that great.  So, find someone who will help critique your photos.  You're probably going to have to pay someone because you'll want someone knowledgeable, but it will pay off greatly!  I still get a weirdly happy/ excited feeling when Donna "likes" photos I've put up.

3.  On that note, before you can find a mentor, try to figure out what style you want to be shooting.  Are you in to landscapes?  Dark, moody, black and white abstract photos?  Light and airy outdoor family sessions?  In studio artificially lit posed photos?  Figure out what makes you excited about that photography style and find a mentor that shares that passion.

4.  Pay taxes and have the business side of the business legit.

5.  Show what you want to shoot more of.  (this is big time Jasmine Star, and it makes so much sense)  If selective color processing makes you want to vomit, don't post photos like that on facebook or your blog, people will think you are open to or excited about shooting more of that.  Do you LOVE photographing babies in cute wraps in baskets?  Put lots of those photos up!! 

6.  Define success for yourself.  Do you want to be shooing 30 weddings per year?  Great, work towards that.  Do you want to set up a studio and do a minimum of 4 shoots per week? Awesome, go for it.  Personally, I want lots of time with my kiddos while they're little, as well as weekends in the summer with family.  My sister and I have also learned that there are types of weddings we REALLY want to be shooting so we went for those, and declined others that we knew weren't for us.  So, what it looks like to be successful to me might change every year.  And that's ok. 

7.  Make sure you take photos that still bring you joy.  I am horrible at taking and printing photos of my own kids and husband, but if you ask most of my friends, I've probably made them or their children pose for a photo a time or two (like the one below), because at the root of it, photographs still bring me joy : )

8. Keep learning.  I still feel like there are some things I have WAY more to learn about and improve on, and i'm excited get better with each shoot!

Monday, March 2, 2015

what's his name?

The other day Kira brought a project home from preschool where they had made a picture showing who was in their families.  So Kira had made a dad, mom, sister and brother.

It kind of made me wonder, what do her teachers think she's calling her brother when she talks about him?

So I said, "Kira, what's Shouty's real name?"
Kira said,
Shouty booters?
Shouty shooters?
Shouty Max?

And just as I was about to say yes, she kept going.
".... and Franki?" 

I said, "your brother's name is Reed.  His middle name is Maxwell.  We just call him Shout for fun.  Reid and Franki are our friends, and are two separate people.  And the other little nicknames are just for fun."

She looked at me, so confused. 

Whatever his name is, we love him.  And Kira loves to follow him as he crawls and step on the ends of his footie jammies so he can't get anywhere : )

Monday, February 16, 2015


It's been awhile since I blogged.  Not surprising. 
Here's what we've been celebrating:
Brent's Birthday
New Years
Our anniversary
Kira's Birthday
My Birthday
Valentine's Day
Shouty's dedication
Shouty's birthday!

We're tired, broke, and overwhelmed by how many people love us : )
Here are a few photos from along the way.

 Seriously, we're so thankful for everyone who has laughed, cleaned, eaten, played, and celebrated with us, given to us, and loved us.  Not sure where we'd be without you!