Monday, February 20, 2012

Rachel's Shower

On Sunday, we had a baby shower for Rachel.  I worked at St. Peter's across the hall, and as I've said many times before, my time there is one of the best things I've done in my life.  I love the women I got to know!  Here is a picture of us at Rachel's wedding.  I'm pregnant with K in this picture, which is kinda fun : )
I was there right after Rachel got engaged, helped her pick out a wedding dress, and not too long ago, I got a text that read, "I think I might be pregnant."

Well, she was, and yesterday we celebrated baby Michael and his mama. 
I made lots of food, which I love doing but always worry I won't have enough, and Rachel got some pretty awesome gifts!  It was a wonderful time!

The onesie in the picture below says, "When God made me he was showing off."  I love that!
And this chalkboard/pinboard was made by our very artistic friend Mrs. Sippy.
So excited to meet baby M in a couple months!  Kira is too : )


  1. I have never seen such cute food ideas!!
    Next time I host something I am calling you for ideas!!!

  2. Thanks! It was really fun to think of things to make based on experiences that we had with Rachel or that Rachel had with her family/husband. It went over quite well!
