Friday, February 10, 2012


So one of my new years resolutions was to acknowledge when I am grateful for something someone did for me.  To say thank you, call a manager, write a note, even when it's not something you'd normally do.  I've written a few notes, but that's about it.

Yesterday, I got a chance.  I was standing at Kowalskis waiting for my paninis and looked at the woman to my left.  I didn't immediatlyey recognize her, but after a few minutes, I realized she was the nurse that came to our house after Kira was born (she was wearing scrubs, a name tag, and it was pretty obvious she was some kind of nurse..)  She was extremely helpful that day she came to our house, and just really nice!  I almost let the moment go- what if it wasn't really her?  But, I turned red, stuttered a little, and asked her if she did house calls after babies were born.

She did, and it was her!  We talked for several minutes and I told her how thankful we were that she came out a year ago, and that we really appreciated her.

I thought she was going to hug me.  She said that my talking to her had made her day.  But really, it had made mine!

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