Wednesday, February 22, 2012


For the last 2 or 3 years, I've had dreams about running.  Not daydreams, or goals to be a fast runner, actual while I'm sleeping dreams.   And I'm not running from someone or something, or stressed/scared at all, I'm loving it.  I remember my running dreams, and it's always just me running by myself and loving every minute.  I've been having more and more lately, though.

And then I wake up.  And try to run.  And my knee caps remind me that I'm not really able to run. 

I could run if someone were chasing me.  But running multiple miles every day just really hurts.

So, if there are any dream interpreters out there, why am I having these dreams?

I have a lot of friends that run, maybe its' just in my subconscious. 

But, I've been doing LOTS of kickboxing classes, and I never dream about them.

So, do I press on and work my way up to running as I slowly but surely lose the weight, or do I leave it for my dreams and sweat it out to classes at the y, hoping to have the same joy that I somehow have running in my dreams?

1 comment:

  1. I don't think you should leave your running dreams behind. I think maybe you should continue with the awesome Y workouts, build strength and continue to recover and focus on the small victories for now. You don't need to be running multiple miles every day, one is good for now, or half of one, or nothing for weeks at a time. So for now, put running on a cute little shelf, dust it off later when your knees are back to being strong, and let nothing hold you back!!!
