Monday, November 21, 2011

adjustments and excitement

I haven't posted in a week.

A lot has happened.

K got sick, again.

I got an iphone.  And then I got addicted to Angry Birds.

And then I chopped a TON of hair off.   See?

This week is going to be a delightful one.  Tomorrow my sister is coming up and watching K while I take some pictures, and then we're driving down to our parents' house for a cooking extravaganza.  We've been talking about what we're going to cook for almost a month!  We even got a fresh turkey this year, not frozen.  And Aaron and Ilana (my brother and almost sister in law) are flying in Wed. night!  It's almost too much joy to handle. 

Also, I know I've talked about Donna Boucher a million times.  She taught me SO much about photography, and I really consider her a role model.  I feel like she might consider me a stalker though : )  I read her blog, love her posts on the PW site, and comment on her facebook posts.  I just really like her.  Anyway, my Christmas present this year is a new to me lens... and i'm buying it from her!  My friends are meeting her on Wed. to pick it up!!!  When I told my mom about the transaction she said, "Oh, you're getting a lens from a celebrity!  That makes it even better than if it were brand new!"

Thanksgiving, Aaron and Ilana, cooking with my family, and a new lens.  Could life get any better??


  1. hehehe....
    I can't wait to see the photos you take with your 'sexy time' lens!!

  2. Hey! Guess what? I took this lens with me to the ranch. Ree tried it for a little bit. So a REAL celebrity touched it!!

  3. no way!! two of the photographers who inspired me the most have touched my lens! it just gets better and better.
