Thursday, November 10, 2011

first words, fixed pictures, Thanksgiving songs

The longest I've been away from K in her WHOLE LIFE was about 7 hours when I went to the Madison area to learn about photography.  Other than that, I've been there- all day, every day.  I read to her, sing to her, talk to her, everything.  So, naturally, she can't stop saying...


Really, kid?
Good thing she's so cute.

Last week I took pictures of the Onsager girls.  Yesterday I was backing up files and doing some sorting, and I found a picture I didn't edit or use because there were all these crazy shadows and lights, and I just kind of passed it up.  Editing is not my strong suit, but last night I worked on the picture a little.  I'm glad I did, because I can't help but laugh out loud when I look at it.

Isn't she funny?

So, I'm already listening to Christmas music, but there are two songs that ALWAYS remind me of Thanksgiving time. 
Several years ago, my friend Carolyn and I went to a concert in the cities.  Kanye West was the performers name, and he wasn't big yet.  Or big headed.  Anyway, we went, and it was great, but what was also great, was this other guy playing the piano and singing back up and a few choruses.

It was John Legend.  If you don't know John Legend, you should... at least his earlier stuff.  This song will always remind me of Thanksgiving, because that year at thanksgiving time I was obsessed with him, and there's just this warmth to the song.

Another song that reminds me of Thanksgiving came from a commercial (either Gap or Old Navy).  I'm pretty sure I sang the phrase "If you are chilly, here take my sweater" no less than 10,000 times that year.

I love both of these songs.  They remind me of family, being thankful, and joy!

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