Thursday, October 30, 2014

this girl

For having a mom and aunt who are photographers, she doesn't really like having her picture taken, so I don't have as many taken with my big camera as I would like.

It's so much fun seeing her grow up, and freaks me out all at the same time.  She says the strangest, funniest, and most heartfelt things, depending on the day and her mood.

She loves peach yogurt, Doc McStuffins, and talking about Christmas.  She loves to make cards for other people, paint, and do her other "work."  She dances with her baby bear and talks about everything she is learning at preschool

She does not love that her brother can crawl over and take her things and yells, "no shout, no!"  He laughs at that.

Love you, my Kira girl.

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