Thursday, October 27, 2011

my photography bucket list

So, I don't know if I've ever mentioned this, but I kinda like taking pictures.  For the past few months I've been collecting ideas in my head- pictures I want to take before.... well, before I die sounds too morbid, so instead I'll give myself a deadline... before I'm 72.
I want to:
1. Take an amazing picture of a very old man with lots of wrinkles : )
2.  Take a picture of lightning
3.  Take a picture of a tornado
4.  Take an amazing sunset picture, possibly on a beach in California?
5.  To take pictures as someone proposes. *as in, hide, but have the propose-er know I'm there
6.  To take pictures at the hospital of one of my siblings children soon after the babe is born (no one is pregnant, I'm just saying someday!)
7.  To take a picture of horses running in the snow
8.  To take a picture at a wedding that takes my breath away (not as the wedding photographer, just as a guest)
9. To photograph newborn twins or triplets
10.  To take a picture of a musician, from like, behind or to the side... up close : )

I know a few of these that are going to happen in the next year or so, and I'm sure I'll be adding to the list!

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