Friday, June 10, 2011

Because MizBoo Told Me To

I've been thinking about starting a blog for a long time, but I thought Who would read it?  Would I have time to keep it up?  Am I really the "blogging" type??

So here are two stories that collide:  be patient, it comes together.

On Wednesday I had a life changing experience.  That may sound like I'm exaggerating, but I'm not.  I met with Donna Boucher on Wed. near Madison, WI.  She's an amazing photographer and as my mother's day present Kira (Brent) arranged a one on one teaching session with her so I could learn how to better use my camera.  I am mildly obsessed with the Pioneer Woman and she writes excellent tutorials for the PW website on how to take the best pictures possible.  Check out some of her tutorials here:   It was such a great day and I learned so much!  While we were talking, she asked "do you have a blog?'  I said no, and she said, "you should"

And that was enough for me.  I'll do pretty much whatever she tells me to.  : )

Second story.  I was in my truck awhile back, and heard on the radio that the average person experiences only 15 minutes of PURE JOY in a lifetime.  Or maybe it was per year.  Either way I thought that was terrible.  I feel like I experience joy way more often than that.

So I'm going to blog about joy in unexpected places.  Finding joy in surprising places, like canning tomatoes, when our dog failed out of hunting school, when I heard the phrases "full blown" and "traced it back", a peony bush I didn't know I had, when Brent changes a diaper and has trouble, when my mom and I pick the same amount of strawberries *to the cent*, when my sister critiques my fashion choices, cooking a new dish, or finding 6 duck eggs and a duck in my hostas. 

And because MizBooshay told me to. 

1 comment:

  1. You are off to a beautiful start, dear Laura!
    I will love hearing about your joyful life found in unexpected places!!

    Thank you for the kind compliments!
    You are a very quick study :o)

    Miz Boo
