Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day Top Tens

The Top Ten Things I Learned from my Dad:
10.  Save money and always have health insurance
9.  It's okay to love what you love  (going to IHOP every morning of vacation, the intense love for the twins, fondness for diet pepsi)
8.  That you should dance with your children.... to Tijuana Brass
7.  To love your family unconditionally
6.  The importance of being excellent... in work, in life, in everything.  But,
5.  If you can't be good, be careful
4.  Not to keep things you don't need.  They just clutter up the attic above the garage, and he doesn't like that.
3.  that it's ok to listen to the same song over, and over, and over again.  Are we human? Or are we dancers....
2.  To kiss your wife every night when you get home from work, and again when you go to bed  (in my case, my husband, but you know what I mean)
1.  That a relationship with Christ is something to pursue every day and important above everything else.   

Dad, you have been a great example of a Godly man and wonderful husband to mom and father to Aaron, Jenny, and I.  Thanks for everything you've done for me, Brent, and Kira Noel.  We love you!

Top 10 things Kira loves about her daddy:
10.  That he makes up songs about all of her pets and sings to her
9.  That he lets mama stay home all day!
8.  That he feeds her, changes her, and plays with her
7.  The walks that they take with Bella
6.  When he tickles her feet and rubs her big belly
5.  That he loves her mama so well
4.  That he has provided a beautiful house and yard for us to play and live in by working so hard
3.  His short buzzed hair...she loves putting her mouth on it and tries to "eat" it
2.  That he prays for her, reads to her, and bought her her first kids bible!
1.  That everyday when he gets home from work, he scoops her up and tells her he loves her so much!

Brent, thanks for being such a good husband and daddy!  We love you so much!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you posted about your daddy and your babies daddy :o)
