Monday, June 27, 2011

Taylor Swift was my Maid of Honor

Some people think my sister looks like Taylor Swift.
Here's Taylor:

And here's my sister Jenny:

People ask her all the time if they can take their picture with her or just take a pictures of her.  I think it's great.  She thinks if it's at work it's not very professional  : )   So the next time you see her say, "has anyone ever told you you look like Taylor Swift?"

Jenny is a really fun sister, I feel lucky to be related to someone who looks so much like a celeb and who could help me get back to work if I ever had an injury, or find an ergonomically correct purse.  I spent the afternoon/evening with her on Saturday and it was SO much fun.  She came up to visit Kira (whom she calls KiKi, even though I think it sounde like a stripper name) and I.  We got some delicious School House Scoop ice cream.  At Schoolhouse Scoop they take the 'school' thing very seriously and give you an extra credit scoop.  That's actually what they call it!  Extra credit.  I love it!

And spent the day playing with our cameras.  She bought my nikon D3100 from me and I had just gotten my D90 and we had the BEST TIME bonding and taking pictures.  Jenny will probably be a famous food blogger in a year or two.  Her cooking is amazing.

I was a little surprised Jenny wanted to get into photography.  We come from a long line of women who have a little trouble with cameras, and like to take pictures with a camera in one hand and their other hand covering the eye not looking through the camera.
Even though it was real cloudy and Kira was super tired, here are a few pics from my day with Jenny!

Love ya Jen.

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