Tuesday, September 13, 2011

bags, bruises and bella

The last few days have been a little interesting.  I'd say I've always been a little accident prone, it seems like things are always happening to me. 
The other day I went and visited my friend Amy.  I had taken K with me so I had some extra stuff.  When I got back to my parent's house, I tried to take everything in with me at the same time.  I slung my huge, heavy purse over my shoulder, as well as a diaper bag, my camera bag, and a bag I had in the car I wanted to bring in.  All of those things were over one shoulder and I was holding K in my arms.  K's nuk fell out of her mouth, so I bent down to get it.  When standing up, all 12 bags behind me started to throw me off balance.  I felt myself falling, and thought 2 things-  protect K and protect that camera.  Since those were on two different sides of my body, I decided to just kind of sit down.... twisting my ankle in the process.  It was awkward, and probably funny.  I looked around to see if anyone had watched my graceful fall and saw two men in their 70s about 50 yards away, just staring at me.  They saw me fall, and then just turned and walked away.  I'm okay... thanks.

I was down with my parents for the weekend, and brought Bella with me because Brent had a weekend where he couldn't bring her with him.  Usually Brent is with me, and if he's not, it's a hunting thing so he has Bella with him.  I walk Bella a few times a day, but Brent is in charge of her exercise.  Brent usually bikes with her and runs with her everyday.  I thought, how hard could biking with Bella be?  I had seen Brent do it a ton of times.   Um, let's just say I got very good at getting off the bike quickly.  When Bella has to go to the bathroom- you might as well just drop the leash.   You know how kids race into their driveways on their bikes and do the half throw the bike down thing and half jump off at the same time kind of thing?  I pretended I wanted to throw my bike down and let my dog pee.

I have quite a few bruises, but Bella got her exercise.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I had to remove my comment because I wrote "you're" instead of "your" and nothing makes me more crazy then people who don't know the difference! haha:)

    I love YOUR writing.. I love reading it. The post made me chuckle, and I'm glad YOU'RE okay;-)
